Make sure nobody works in VIP Task Manager, and then on the server computer, browse to C:\Program Files\VIP Quality Software\VIP Task Manager Professional\Databases (or C:\Program Files\VIP Quality Software\VIP Task Manager Standard\Databases for VIP Task Manager Standard product) and copy a file with your database to some other folder to be on the safe side.
- Download the latest version of the application from the site.

- Save .zip file somewhere in a shared folder and unzip it.

- Install the latest version on your "server" computer from a shared folder (all client application will be automatically disconnected).

- Select "Server Installation Only" or "Full Installation".

- Check "Update registered databases during installation" option (the application will automatically back up your old database).

- The backing up process may take some time, so please, do not abort the process.

- Launch the program on other computers (clients).
- "Confirm" message will appear. Click "Ok" to update the client applications on each computer.

- The client installation of the update will automatically launch