Features |
Professional Edition |
Standard Edition |
Task Management
Create, Edit, Delete and Duplicate Tasks |
x |
x |
Set Start, Finish Date & Time |
x |
x |
Set Due Date & Time |
x |
x |
Set Estimated and Actual Time |
x |
x |
Set Priority and Order |
x |
x |
Set Status and Complete |
x |
x |
Set Task Recurrence |
x |
x |
Show Tasks in List View |
x |
x |
Show Tasks in Tree View |
x |
Show Tasks in Calendar View |
x |
Filter Tasks |
x |
x |
Sort Tasks |
x |
x |
Group Tasks |
x |
x |
Project Management

Create, Edit, Delete and Duplicate Task Groups (Projects) |
x |
x |
Show Hierarchy of Projects and Tasks |
x |
Sort Projects |
x |
x |
Filter Projects |
x |
x |
Create Project Work Groups |
x |
x |
Create, Edit and Delete Lists of Project Supervisors (Watch Lists) |
x |
x |
Add Notes to Projects |
x |
x |
Employees Management

Create, Edit and Delete Employee's Accounts |
x |
x |
Assign Tasks to Employees |
x |
x |
Sort Employees |
x |
Group Employees |
x |
Schedule Management


Create, Edit and Delete Employee's Schedules |
x |
Schedule Tasks, Events, Appointments, etc |
x |
Display Tasks for a Certain Time Period |
x |
Display Tasks By Employees |
x |
Display Assigned and Unassigned Tasks |
x |
Document Management

Upload Files to Database |
x |
x |
Attach Hyperlinks to Files or WebPages |
x |
x |
Open and Delete Attachments |
x |
x |
Save Attached Files to Hard or Flash Drives |
x |
x |

Create custom Databases |
x |
x |
Create, edit and delete Custom Fields |
x |
Set Custom Field options for Tasks and Task Groups |
x |
Customize List, Tree or Calendar Views |
x |
Customize Charts |
x |
x |
Customize Printed Reports |
x |
x |
Create, edit and delete Custom Workflows |
x |


Mathematic Formulas |
x |
Statistic Formulas |
x |
Logical Operators |
x |

Bar Charts |
x |
x |
Line Charts |
x |
x |
Column Charts |
x |
x |
Area Charts |
x |
x |
Pie Charts |
x |
x |

Automatically Send and Receive Notifications |
x |
x |
Show Unread Notifications and Notifications of Highlighted Task |
x |
x |
Mark Selected or All the Notifications as Read |
x |
x |
Show and Hide Notification Description |
x |
x |
Subscribe to Notifications of any Tasks |
x |
x |
Reminders |

Set Pop-up Message Reminder |
x |
x |
Set Sound Alarm Reminder |
x |
x |

Add Notes |
x |
x |
Add Comments |
x |
x |
Set Reminder for Employees |
x |
x |

Export View to MS Excel |
x |
x |
Export View to HTML |
x |
x |
Preview and Print Task |
x |
x |
Preview and Print Task Lists |
x |
x |
Preview and Print Task Trees |
x |
Preview and Print Schedules |
x |
Preview and Print Charts |
x |
x |
Preview and Print Notes |
x |
x |
Preview and Print Comments |
x |
x |
Permission Management
Create, Edit and Delete Roles |
x |
Assign Employees to Roles |
x |
Allow or Deny Permissions to View, Edit, Delete Tasks |
x |
Record Logging
Task History |
x |
x |
Archive Mode |
x |
x |
Database Management
Create Multiple Databases |
x |
x |
Protect the database with password |
x |
x |
Manage Database with built-in Database Manager |
x |
x |
Multi-User Simultaneous Access through the Network
Multi-User Simultaneous Access |
x |
x |
Access through the Local Area Network |
x |
x |
Access through the Low Speed Network |
x |
x |